Star Wars: Dark Dreams Wiki



A phond crystal that's been cleaned up.

Phond was a strange byproduct resulting from rare impurities bonding during the making of certain alloys due to as-yet-unknown external conditions. This crystal produced a fiercely burning lightsaber beam.

Game Stats[]

Phond pike

A Sith with a phond crystal in his lightsabe pike.

Byproduct: This crystal is a synthetic crystal as a result of its formation during the process of creating certain alloys. As it's more an accidential occurance than on purpose, there's no recording of what alloys produce it.

Fierce Blade: The crystal causes the blade to burn hotter than normal, increasing damage by 1D+0.

Thin Blade: Due to the tightness of the beam created by this crystal, the wielder gains 2D+0 to break through defenses of an opponent. Unfortunately, this also grants a -2D+0 to parrying blaster bolts.

Blade colour: This unique synth crystal produces a clear/white blade with a red core.
